Design, User Experience
Functional Specification, Site Architecture, User Experience Design
About This Project

I started working on Kapitall as an employee of Kizmo in S.F. One year after delivering our work, I ended up being hired by Kapitall and worked for the start-up for another 1.5 years.

The Ask

Kapitall came to Kizmo to architect and design their idea of a gamified stock trading platform. We worked on Kapitall for over a year and delivered a hundred+ page document that covered Research, User Profiles, a Site Map, Wireframes, Visual Design and Functional Specifications.

The Result

A year later, I found myself back in NYC and working for Kapitall as one of 6 employees. In the intervening year, Kapitall had taken our working document and built out a functioning platform for virtual stock trading. The next step was to add a real trading component. I worked with visual designers, developers, the CEO and UX director to create live trading and update the original design.